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Writer's picturejohn stuhl

Aaannd, We're Off

Every journey begins with a backpack. So says Finley John. And, if a backpack arrives, bright and new and untraveled, then a journey must begin. They are synchronistic. Backpack, journey. Journey, backpack.

Where will he go? I mean, besides down the hall and back, with a stop at the kitchen for 'koo-kie'. Sustenance is essential for every journey; cookies are the ultimate in sustenance. Cookies belong in every backpack. Backpack starts journey. Thus, cookies, always. It's a law of the universe. God made the law; don't try to argue with it.

Down the hall. Out the front door. Back to check that everyone is watching this momentous event. Back down the hall (more koo-kies), out the front door again, on to the walkway and possibly down to the beach. Maybe it'll be the mountains this time. Or just a quality puddle that demands stomping.

Off we go. The start of an adventure. An epic voyage. A casual ambulation. An unplanned excursion. A walk into the wonder of the world, even if it takes us no farther than the front yard.

Some stories are huge. Grand. Sweeping. Some are as simple as our own front door. What's your story to tell? Where's your journey going to take us? Sometimes, I'm like Fin; I'm not sure where I'm going. I just know that I gotta go.

Hope you get a new backpack. And that it's filled with cookies. If not, you must stop by the kitchen. No journey can be sustained without cookies. No backpack can be complete without cookies.

It's the law; God made it, so don't argue with it. Just get the cookies, aannd... we're off.

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